If you want to extract from any of the following document types, you can get started in minutes using the Sensible configuration library. The library provides out-of-the-box support for common business forms:

  • auto policy declaration pages
  • balance sheet
  • bank statements
  • closing disclosure
  • credit card statements
  • drivers license
  • explanation of benefit
  • loss runs
  • pay stubs
  • resumes
  • tax forms
  • …and more

To add supported document types to your Sensible account:


Click the Configuration library tab, and search for your document type:

Click to enlarge


Click your document type.

Sensible displays the specific forms it supports in the document type.


Click Clone to account.

Sensible displays the cloned document type and its form-specific configs in the Document types tab.

Click to enlarge


Test the document type

For example, using the Extract tab.