This Sensible Instruct method extracts repeating data in a document based on your description of the list’s overall contents and each individual item. Data such as the work history or skills on a resume, the vehicles on an auto insurance policy, or the line items on an invoice are best suited for this method.

This method is an alternative to the NLP Table method, when the data you want can appear either as a table or as another layout. The List method can find data in paragraphs of free text or in more structured layouts, such as key/value pairs or tables.

Prompt tips

  • The list description describes the overall contents for the list, while each property is a single description of an item that repeats in the list.
  • You can use location hints to describe the target list’s position in the document. For examples of location hints, see Query Group extraction tips.
  • For more information about how to write descriptions, or “prompts”, see Query Group extraction tips.
  • For advanced options, see Advanced prompt configuration.


  • If Sensible partially extracts a multi-page list, for example skipping pages in the list, use a different LLM engine. For more information, see the LLM Engine parameter.


Example 1

The following example shows using the List method to extract data from a restaurant menu:

Click to enlarge

To try out this example in the Sensible app, take the following steps:

  1. Download the following example document:
    | Example document | Download link |

  2. Create a test document type in the Sensible app, then click the document type you created to edit it. In the document type’s Reference documents tab, upload the example document you downloaded in a previous step.

  3. Click the document type’s Configurations tab, create a new test configuration, and click the configuration you created to edit it.

  4. Click Sensible Instruct and create fields to extract data using the following table:

Field nameMethodOverall list descriptionProperty ids and descriptions
dinnersList“dinner special menu items”dinner description
- “entree description”price
- “dinner price”
dessertsList“dessert special menu items”dessert description
- “dessert description”price
- “dessert price”
winesList“red wines and white wines (not other drinks such as beers or liquors)”wine_name
- “wine brand name”wine_type
- “wine varietal name (not brand), for example, return ‘Red:cabernet savignon’ or ‘white:varietal not found’”wine_description
- “wine description”smallest_serving_price
- “smallest wine serving size and its dollar price, formatted like ‘6 oz: 11"second_smallest_serving_price<br/>\-"secondsmallestwineservingsizeanditsdollarprice,formattedlike6oz:11'"**second\_smallest\_serving\_price** <br/>\- "second-smallest wine serving size and its dollar price, formatted like '6 oz: 11’”bottle_price
- “price per bottle, in dollars”

For example, use the following screenshot as a guide for configuring the dinners field:

Click to enlarge


For the full reference for this method in SenseML, see List method.