Note: If you’re familiar with extraction coverage, this detailed topic is for you. If you’re new to Sensible, see Monitoring extractions.

Extraction coverage measures how fully an extraction captures your target data from the document. Sensible calculates the coverage for each extraction as follows:

coverage = (non-null fields extracted
- validation penalties ) ÷ (total fields extracted)


  • validation penalties = sum of validation errors and warnings. Errors are 1 penalty point and warnings are 0.5 points.

For example, if an extraction has the following properties:

  • num of non-null fields extracted = 18
  • num fields extracted= 20
  • num of fields with validation errors = 1
  • num of fields with validation warnings = 4

Then its coverage is 75% : (18 - 1 - 2) / 20 = 0.75.

To view an individual extraction’s coverage, click Dashboard and scroll to the Recent section:

Click to enlarge

In the preceding screenshot, get a coverage breakdown by viewing the extraction. You can view the extraction by clicking the extraction date in the Recent extractions column or downloading the Excel file.

For example, in the preceding screenshot, you can click Sept 25, 2023, 7:30 PM in the Created column to count the extracted fields in the SenseML editor and find that the score of 61.1% means that 33 of 54 total fields output were valid and non-null. Or, you can retrieve the information from the Sensible API or SDK. The following code sample shows an except from an API response with the validation_summary used to calculate the coverage for the Sept 25 extraction:

	"id": "efe99816-0e5b-11eb-b720-295a6fba723e", // extraction ID
	"validation_summary": {
		"fields": 54, //total fields
		"fields_present": 33, //non-null fields
		"errors": 0, //validation errors and warnings
		"warnings": 0,
		"skipped": 0
	"coverage": 0.611 // extraction coverage score calculated from validation_summary


  • Sensible excludes fields listed in the Suppress Output method when calculating the coverage.
  • Sensible includes fields output in sections when calculating the coverage.
  • The overall coverage for a portfolio document is the average of all subdocument coverages.