Use the following preprocessors to clean up your documents before extracting structured data. Preprocessors execute in the order you define them in an array.

DeskewCorrects the alignment of documents that are skewed, for example as a result of being photographed at an angle instead of straight on.
LigatureIntelligently replaces Unicode ligatures in a text extraction.
Merge LinesCorrects oversplit lines.
NLPAdvanced prompt configuration for each large language model (LLM)-based method in a config.
OCRSelectively OCRs pages in documents containing a mix of digitally generated text and text images (such as scanned text). If the whole PDF is a scan, you don’t need to configure this preprocessor.
Page RangeIgnores pages outside the start page and end page.
Remove HeaderRemoves repeating elements at the top of the page. Ignores header elements that overlap with the page’s main body.
Remove FooterRemoves repeating elements at the bottom of the page. Ignores footer elements that overlap with the page’s main body.
Rotate pageIn most cases, Sensible corrects page rotation automatically. If it doesn’t, configure this preprocessor.
ScaleCorrects the size of text in documents whose size varies, for example as a result of being scanned or photographed at different scales.
Split LinesCorrects undersplit lines.